•  Access Control Lists ACL
•  ACL Example
•  ACL Directory Example

Access Control Lists ACL


Standard Linux file permissions give us read, write, and execute for the three different types of user classes (owner, group, and other). An ACL gives superior file security by allowing you to specify file permissions for the file owner, file group, other, specific users and groups, and default permissions for each.

ACL Example

User raspberry creates a directory (i.e. this directory is owned by raspberry and group is raspberry):


Now, create a file called Testfile1.txt

touch Testfile1.txt


Allow user fred to read and write to a file inside this directory called Testfile.txt

setfacl -m u:fred:rw Testfile1.txt


User fred can now edit this file (e.g. nano Testfile1.txt) and write to it etc…
If I login as say another user like “jon”, then “jon” can’t edit this file because it is in a directory owned by raspberry and group raspberry with file permissions for Other of r-- so jon can read the contents of the file Testfile.txt but NOT edit it.

To view the ACL properties of this Testfile.txt type the following:

getfacl Testfile1.txt


To remove the ACL completely:

sudo setfacl -b Testfile1.txt


ACL Directory Example

If only the Users fred and gretchen (development group members) are allowed access to a directory and I’ve set up the directory so that any new files fred or gretchen create within this directory get the group name developer via the sticky bit:

sudo chmod 2770 AccessControlListsTest

Note that if I wanted to make sure that only Gretchen can delete her files in here that she creates and only fred can delete his files that he has created I would do the following as otherwise (in the above case) fred or grechen can delete each others files:

sudo chmod 3770 AccessControlListsTest
Anyway, I digress, I use:
sudo chmod 2770 AccessControlListsTest

The resulting Terminal output looks like:


Now I log in as fred and create a file fred.txt

sudo fred
touch AccessControlListsTest/fred.txt

Now I log in as gretchen and create a file gretchen.txt

sudo gretchen
touch AccessControlListsTest/ gretchen.txt

Now I log in as jon (who isn’t a member of group developer) and try and create a file jon.txt

sudo jon
=>Don’t have permission to create a file here:


However I don’t want jon to be a member of group developer but I do want him to be able to do whatever he likes inside this directory therefore, as user raspberry:

setfacl -m u:jon:rwx AccessControlListsTest/
ls -l

=> We get the little “+” symbol signifying that ACL apply to this directory:


In order to see which ACL rules apply to this directory:

getfacl AccessControlListsTest/


Now, as user jon can create a file in this directory as jon has read/write/execute permissions via Access Control Lists ACL:

touch AccessControlListsTest/ jon.txt


Note above that due to the sticky bit, the group of the file that jon created (jon.txt) has the group name developer even though jon isn’t a member of this group.


If I want to force user Others to have - - - permissions for any file they create within a directory called Testy:

mkdir Testy
chmod 777 Testy


So, at the moment, this directory is setup so that everybody can wrx however it is owned by user root and group is root.
For example, if user fred creates a file inside this Testy directory:

su fred
touch Testy/fred4.txt


As we can see above, the owner of this file is fred and the group of this file is fred. User other had read access (r - -)

If I want to force the user Other to have - - - permissions for any files he create inside this directory i.e. For User “Others” to have permissions - - - despite the directory having permissions rwx rwx rwx

sudo setfacl -m d:o:- Testy/

For directories, you can set ACL rights that will be assigned by defaults to files and directories created inside it. To do so, use the default identificator or the -d parameter. However, the default permissions will not be applied to the first directory.

If user fred creates a file inside this dir now:


The file created has permissions for other as: - - -

Note, to remove the ACL settings from this Test directory simply type:

sudo setfacl -b Testy/


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